
Happy Equal Pay Day. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Today is the date we celebrate how much farther into the next year women have to work in order to make what a man made last year. FUCKED UP RIGHT. Add to that that certain groups of women are making less money than other groups of women. It’s a sexist, racist, wage gap shitstorm!

SO in “celebration” we wanted to highlight an awesome, hilarious and poignant app that breaks your dinner check down taking into account race and gender wage gaps (statistics come from The US Department of Labor). EquiTable (formerly EquiPay) was created by comedian Luna Malbroux who said“We call it Affirmative Fractions”! We here at Lady Parts Justice absolutely LOVE IT!

A possible way to start righting the wage wrong! Or, as the EquiTable tag line says, “reparations, one meal at a time”! Download the app, have dinner (or any meal) with some friends and split your bill with awareness, fairness and funny!