UPDATE! Way back in November we warned you about the invasive vaginal irritant known as Rep. Tom Price, Trump’s nominee for Secretary of Health and Human Services. Further research has shown he’s even more toxic than originally thought.

Now it turns out that, even as he was burrowing into your ladyparts, Price was socking away large amounts of ill-gotten gains from possibly illegal but undoubtedly unethical stock transactions. Price would buy stock in companies just before introducing legislation that would drive the price of their stock up.

Great–he’s inside of you AND he’s conducting insider trading. Tell your Senator that it’s time to toss this vile concoction. Oh, and here is an update on all the OTHER reasons Price is wrong:

Part of our on-going series “Sauron’s Army” introducing the numerous creatures of darkness Trump surrounds himself with.  Every single one of these tools has demonstrated contempt for women and reproductive rights and we’re trudging our way to Mt. Doom to destroy (read: expose) them all.

Rep. Tom Price – Position in Sauron’s Army: Gollum

He’s a nasty, corrupted little creature who lives deep in the darkness where he dotes on his stolen “Precious.”

Trump’s pick for Secretary of Health and Human Services is obviously a disaster for anyone who cares about health. Or humans. He’s got a shit-list of plans to deny healthcare to millions of people by eviscerating the Affordable Care Act and gutting Medicare and Medicaid. But he’s also a very special kind of disaster for those 51% of Americans who happen to be women.

Price is a six-term Congressman from Georgia who has built a career attacking reproductive rights and saying insulting things about women. When asked about poor women who would be left behind without contraceptive coverage, he famously blustered  “Bring me one woman who has been left behind. Bring me one. There’s not one. The fact of the matter is this is a trampling on religious freedom and religious liberty in this country.” In other words, a woman’s right to control her own body pales before the right of religious zealots to force everyone to live in their fantasy world of religious purity.  

New York Magazine compiled a handy list of the specific ways that Tom Price wants to occupy your uterus, including his unwavering opposition to abortion rights, birth control, and to Planned Parenthood in particular. This is a man who has sponsored multiple personhood bills, voted for so-called “Pain Capable” abortion bans, wants to let employers deny contraceptive coverage based on their religious beliefs, and opposed laws that prevent a woman from being fired for using birth control(!).

There’s a reason that Planned Parenthood always gives Price a zero rating, while the National Right to Life Committee always gives him 100%. Both were probably being conservative.

Price has been a virtual stalker out to destroy the Affordable Care Act. And as head of the agency that oversees the FDA, he’ll also be in a position to derail new methods of medical abortion or birth control–or even rescind approvals that have already been issued.

Don’t put this nasty little creature in charge of HHS. Send Tom Price back into the shadows.