Decisions, decisions!
Supreme Court decisions, that is. This is that time of year when a group of people who have who have been hanging out for 80 or so years hand down decisions on what life here is going to be like for the next 80 years and more. Some of them are extremely wise (take a bow, RBG!). Some, not so much. We need at least 5 out of 9 of them to be wise. June is the month find out if they were.
On Mondays (and sometimes Thursdays) in June, the Supreme Court issues decisions on the various cases it considered over the course of this term. And if you feel like, much like Green Day, you’ve been waiting a long time to hear if Fake Clinics in California still get to lie to patients, well, much like Sum 41, we’re all Still Waiting. The Supremes didn’t issue a decision in NIFLA v. Becerra.
Quick Refresher: The CALIFORNIA law at the center of this case is called the FACT ACT. It requires FAKE Women’s Health Centers to tell their victims … the truth, that there are OPTIONS when you are pregnant and that California actually has great abortion services. So one Monday or Thursday this month, the Supremes are going to decide if phonies in Halloween doctor costumes have a right to lie to you.
Either way it goes down, we want to CELEBRATE (hopefully) or PROTEST the decision—and you should be part of that. Here’s how you can join our RAPID RESPONSE when it rapidly responds.
This week we also told you about another couple of cases the Court decided… kind of… sort of… it’s complicated. In the case of the religious bigot baker who should be wearing his pastry bag as a Klan hood, the Court said, yeah, Mr. Marzipan-For-Brains can go on refusing to bake cakes for gay weddings. BUT it’s just him for now, since the decision was about how the authorities in this specific case had upset this poor man’s delicate discriminatory sensibilities. So the legal icing has still not been applied to this cake.
And then there was the case of the pregnant immigrant girl that officials in the now-ironically-named Department of Health and Human Services had tried to prevent from getting an abortion she wanted and needed. The Court decided the case was moot because the girl finally was able to get her abortion despite the harassment from HHS. But of course there are already others suffering the same treatment, and cases involving them are winding their way to the Supreme Court.
The resolution of the principals in those cases has been put off for another day. But we’re probably going to be finding out what the decision in the case of the phony clinics is someday very soon—like on a Monday or Thursday this month. So stay tuned—and stay ready. June is decision month.