September 21, 2017

It turns out that some of the people behind those phony “Crisis Pregnancy Centers”—the scamsters that trick women into thinking they’re abortion providers in order to badger, berate, shame, and deceive them out of choosing an abortion alternative—have also been lying to and swindling the state of Pennsylvania. Who would have thought? Maybe the state of Pennsylvania should have. They, like many states, throw money at these frauds.

“Real Alternatives,” has been on the receiving end of PA taxpayer dollars for the past 20 years, getting tens of millions of dollars through grants from the state Department of Human Services. But instead of just dispersing the money to subcontractors to lecture and lie, it looks like Real Alternatives has been taking a 3 percent kickback from those subcontractors that they use to promote their business—even outside of the state of Pennsylvania.

Pennsylvania’s Auditor General, Eugene DePasquale discovered the 3 percent scheme, which amounts to almost a million dollars over the years. But when he tried to investigate further, Real Alternatives sued, saying the information was private(!)—and the court blocked access to records of how the fee was being paid.  “We do 5,000 audits a year,” DePasquale told Salon, “and this is the first time I’ve been sued by anybody to say we didn’t have a right to do the audit.”

We at Lady Parts Justice League have been working to put an end to these kinds of scams with www.exposefakeclinics.com. Even the ones that don’t engage in outright theft still exist solely to spread lies and confusion. And of course, Real Alternatives excels at that.

As a 2015 investigation by Cosmopolitan showed, Real Alternatives routinely spews out debunked myths about abortion causing depression and even breast cancer—contrary to all actual research. But then lying is what they do. Nothing about this fiasco should be a surprise to anyone, including the anti-choice crusaders who fight to keep taxpayer money flowing to these frauds.

Liars gonna lie. And if they routinely lie to their client/victims, then they’ll lie to auditors, investigators, courts, or anyone else if they think it’s to their advantage. When the whole purpose of your organization is to deceive people into thinking that you’re something that you’re not and then lie to them about their situation, you can see how lies and deception become an ingrained part of who you are.

If you want to stop the lies, go to www.exposefakeclinics.com and see how you can help. And let elected representatives in your state know that you don’t want to see your tax dollars wasted on these frauds.