Sometimes the anti-abortion orcs write a law that’s so “fake nice” we have to spend like, years and years explaining why it’s not. Like, June Medical Services v. Gee. “We’re just HELPING PATIENTS here” they say when they try to make every abortion provider have admitting privileges at hospitals. And WE GET IT it IS confusing that that is bad. That abortion is so safe that hospitals don’t want to give doctors privileges. That if something WERE to go wrong there’s really no difference if the patient just goes to the hospital or has a doctor with admitting privileges. SEE WE AGAIN HAD TO WASTE WORDS EXPLAINING THAT.

But, sometimes, anti-abortion people are just… transparently fake nice in a weird weird way. ENTER this new bill in Indiana proposed by Senator Liz Brown

“Provides that the state department of health must include on a form that the pregnant woman may, after a chemical abortion, place the aborted fetus in a sealed container and return the aborted fetus to the health care provider or abortion clinic for disposition by interment or cremation. Allows for aborted fetuses to only be disposed of by cremation or burial.”

Y’all WHAT? This isn’t even like… fake nice. We don’t even have to talk around this. Gross. Medication abortion allows patients to have an abortion in the privacy of their own home. So why not… take that away from them and force them to get a strainer every time they go to the bathroom post-abortion??

We’re ALL FOR whatever kind of closure a patient might need post-abortion. But WE HIGHLY DOUBT it includes again, finding a strainer, seeing if any of your tupperware has a top to it and heading on over to your abortion clinic for them to cremate your products of conception. 

IS THERE A FAKE NICE SIDE TO THIS BILL? No, of course not. Is it insidious even though it ultimately just seems weird? Yes, of course. See having to bury remains sets up this whole false “personhood” debate. If it gets buried, does it need a death certificate? Does that make it recognized under the law? It’s cruel to people who miscarry too! Do you have to be constantly ready if you use an automatic flush toilet to react and grab those remains?

This all may seem a little… idk, flippant, but these are real things women, trans men, and nonbinary people will have to consider if laws like these pass. 

So … don’t believe the “fake niceness” of it. It’s just cruel. If you wanna do something about it you can contact Senator Liz Brown here.  And let’s just go through a list of some other Republicans you can complain to in Indiana: Senator Ron Alting, Senator Eric Bassler, Senator Vaneta Becker, Senator Mike Bohacek, Senator Aaron Freeman…. Gah there are so many, they are all republicans, you can view the full list here