A lawmaker with a history of violence against women is behind what conservatives falsely call a “fetal heartbeat” bill passed by the Ohio legislature–a bill that is actually an underhanded method to ban abortions after six weeks. And that’s a virtual ban on all abortions.
That’s one AWFUL bill, and one AWFUL human being. First, the bill…
The proposed new law would ban all abortions after what the authors of the bill call a “fetal heartbeat’ can be detected. What the authors of this bill consider a fetal heartbeat can be detected as early as six weeks, although it’s something that can also be detected in a petri dish. “Fetal heartbeat” is one of those fake emotional buzzwords that anti-choice types love to throw out, like “personhood” and “snowflake babies.”
More importantly, many women don’t know they’re even pregnant until after six weeks–meaning that this bill gives them no choice whatsoever except to carry the pregnancy to term.
Further, the only way to detect this so-called heartbeat that early in pregnancy is with a transvaginal ultrasound. So Ohio has effectively passed a mandatory transvaginal ultrasound bill as well. And of course, there are no exceptions for rape or incest. WHAT? You were expecting one tiny ray of compassion?
The bill is clearly unconstitutional… for now. The Supreme Court has ruled that states cannot ban abortion before fetal viability, which generally occurs around 24 to 28 weeks. But the big question is the viability of a rational Supreme Court. PRESIDENT TRUMP (and I CAPS YELLED that to motivate you!) will be reshaping the Court, and it’s going to be a twisted monstrosity.
Ohio Senate President Keith Faber put it this way: “A new president, new Supreme Court appointees change the dynamic.” We’ll put it this way–THIS IS FUCKED UP.
Now the slimeball behind the bill… in 2011, the wife of Ohio State Senator Kris Jordan called 911 to report her husband was “pushing her around and throwing things.” The Senator told police “She got a little upset. Girls do that.” Although she declined to press charges, his wife told cops “This is not new. He’s done this numerous times” and mentioned that he keeps 10 to 15 unloaded guns around the house.
Well now Senator Kris Jordan has found a way to perpetrate violence against all the women of Ohio. His bill is waiting for Governor John Kasich to sign it–and it probably won’t have to wait long.