If you could turn back time, women would STILL GET ABORTIONS. But that’s not what Indiana state lawmakers want you to think. A new bill passed Monday in the House in Indiana – and one that is gaining steam in many other states – forces doctors to tell patients about “abortion pill reversal.”
Never heard of it? That’s because it’s a crockpot of unscientific slow marinated bullshit.
In a medication abortion, you take the first pill of mifepristone, then follow it up with a dose of misoprostol to expel what’s in the uterus. So-called “abortion pill reversal” involves injecting women with a series of progesterone shots that would supposedly keep the pregnancy on track after they’ve taken the first pill of mifepristone. The study, done by George Delgado of the Culture of Life Family Services clinic (have a particular ring to it?) in San Diego, California had no control group and was not overseen by an institutional review board nor an ethical review committee.
In a video on Delgado’s website explaining how his clinic encourages women to carry pregnancies to term he says, “She can do what her maternal instincts drive her to do and that is to protect her unborn child.”
Yeah, sounds like an impartial scientific medical professional with no agenda whatsoever. Even the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists has straight up denounced this abortion U-turn procedure.
It is absurd that legislators would force medically trained doctors to lie to patients about an unscientifically proven ‘procedure.’ They may as well be giving doctors the Oscar nominated script to Moonstruck, as it has about as much science in it as this bill. And at least it would be entertaining.
With this bill, lawmakers would have you believe that women seeking abortions are indecisive gypsies, tramps, and thieves that constantly need reminding that it is possible to change their fragile minds.
Supporters of it would have you believe that it’s about giving women the panoply of medical options out there. Republican representative Peggy Mayfield, one of the bill’s co-authors, told the Indianapolis Star. “There is an alternative there. There is hope.”
We can only hope that lawmakers SNAP OUT OF IT and start making science great again.