From the White House to Hollywood to virtually every misogynistic corner of this country, it’s hard to deal with the freaky shit-show that the world is today, especially if you are not part of the white cis male Creepriarchy. You can’t look at the world without worrying that it’s is going to drop its pants and start masturbating at you.
After the 2016 election my team at Lady Parts Justice League committed even harder to making sure, anti-choice shitheads knew we weren’t backing down without a fight. But what inspired us so much was seeing more and more people who wanted to show up and fight. All of us are the agents of justice and how we use our power will directly reflect the justice we get. So today, my team is releasing a video that gives folks some ways they can jump into the fight, and use their own unique skills, to create “The Justice League We Deserve.” Leaguers Assemble! OK, OK, I know that’s the wrong movie! Let’s try it again: like they say in the Justice League trailer “Divided we are not enough.” And also, “Oh, awesome.” Look, I haven’t seen the movie yet, I’ll get around to it, but my Moviepass hasn’t come!

In “The Justice League We Deserve” LPJL is firing up the “Uterus Signal” (so much better than a bat) and offering easy and effective ways to lend a hand, lend your voice, and help build the foundation we need for change in the community. It’s a call to arms, to make your community a better place. Create your own Justice League, preferably one that doesn’t have a 41% score on Rotten Tomatoes.
Like in the Justice League movie (OK, I found one person here who actually saw it) we wanted to show that when you work together and have each other’s backs, you win. In real life that means standing up for abortion access, whether that’s by volunteering at your local clinic or spreading the word about erasing abortion stigma and ending the culture of harassment or doing the vital work of organizing facilitating that makes everything possible. You don’t need to be able to talk to fish, have superhuman strength, run really fast, or do whatever Cyborg does. You can use your own special skills to make a difference. And recruit people to join, like Ben Affleck does in the movie!
So watch and share this video, and use it for inspiration. Share it and let the world know what you’re doing to create “The Justice League We Deserve” using the hashtag #WeShowUp.
And, you know, for Bruce Wayne his MAIN superpower is having money so if you maybe wanna throw a few bucks LPJL’s way that too is a way to show your commitment to reproductive rights. And thanks for anything that you can do or give—we all deserve it.