The giant garbage can is deflated (but it will live in our storage forever), the hateliner posters wrapped up, the TRUTH TRUCK returned to the rental place, but still, dear friends, garbage fyre lives on.
We had such a great time getting to know all the amazing Garbage Fyre Fighters. And it reminded us more than ever how hard we need to keep fighting! With teammates like these, we’ve gotta win!
If you watched our correspondent’s, Molly’s, video of what life was like outside a clinic for people in Milwaukee last week, you saw exactly how much fighting we still have left to do! Every day sidewalk screamers camp out in front of clinics and while they may not always be in the numbers you see in the video, they’re just as aggressive and gross (ask our buds the Pink House Defenders!)
And frickin’ Randall Terry was JUST in the news for talking about … being a crazy racist! While we think we definitely put a dent in Operation Save America’s hate-campaign, they’re not going away.
So if you didn’t make it to Garbage Fyre Fest this year, we hope that seeing all our counter-protests, vulva costumes, and “I don’t regret my abortion” sings reinvigorated you to double down on your efforts in your own community: volunteer as a clinic escort, write a review of a CPC, donate to a local abortion fund, make sure your neighborhood knows which local politicians are secretly anti-abortion stooges.
And join us! We’re excited for a bunch of actions we’ll be doing in the future and we need badasses like you to fight with us every day!
We’ll be loud! We’ll be hilarious! We won’t shave our armpits!!!