Turn a festive holiday tradition into a spiteful partisan attack in one fun move! Anti-choice groups in Phoenix and Tempe in ARIZONA are going to put a holiday twist on their hateful chants by singing anti-abortion Christmas carols in front of clinics to shame patients. Good will towards MEN, amirite? This is so awful.
The hard stories we never hear but need to: Part 1. For every lie about the effects of abortion (and there are a LOT of them!) there is a heartbreaking story from someone about the effects of not having abortion access. Here is one such story told by a brave woman in the Charlotte Observer.
Part 2 of the hard stories we never hear but need to: it still happens, wherever access to reproductive services including abortion are denied or hindered. USA Today tells this story of a TENNESSEE woman who felt compelled to end her own pregnancy—now part of a homicide investigation.
Stop making sense!! This absolutely ball-busting letter to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch rhetorically asks if Missouri’s craptastic anti-woman, anti-choice Senate Bill 5 is an example of gender discrimination. Extra points if you answered “Fuck YES!”