Turn a festive holiday tradition into a spiteful partisan attack in one fun move! Anti-choice groups in Phoenix and Tempe in ARIZONA are going to put a holiday twist on their hateful chants by singing anti-abortion Christmas carols in front of clinics to shame patients. Good will towards MEN, amirite? This is so awful.


The hard stories we never hear but need to: Part 1. For every lie about the effects of abortion (and there are a LOT of them!) there is a heartbreaking story from someone about the effects of not having abortion access. Here is one such story told by a brave woman in the Charlotte Observer


Part 2 of the hard stories we never hear but need to: it still happens, wherever access to reproductive services including abortion are denied or hindered. USA Today tells this story of a TENNESSEE woman who felt compelled to end her own pregnancy—now part of a homicide investigation.


Stop making sense!! This absolutely ball-busting letter to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch rhetorically asks if Missouri’s craptastic anti-woman, anti-choice Senate Bill 5 is an example of gender discrimination. Extra points if you answered “Fuck YES!”


OREGON dude refuses to pay income tax because abortion. And that extra money must come in handy for buying boner pills. Hey, can I skip out on MY taxes because the government funds those fake Crisis Pregnancy Centers? I need to find a way to pay for my birth control! Get the whole story from Oregon Live.