The Yellow Brick Road to victory! Remember LPJL painted the path to Hartford GYN bright yellow because a phony “crisis pregnancy center” was lurking just steps away? Now the city of Hartford is going to require those FAKES to stop using false and deceptive practices. And that is literally their business model! Read this, and celebrate with one for the road!


Just the FACTS! Then you need to know this: The whole idea of holding these fraudulent non-clinics to account is in danger. They’ve taken the state of California to court over that state’s attempts to rein in their lies and fakery. And it’s now before the Supreme Court—here’s a great rundown of where things stand, courtesy of SCOTUSblog.


ALERT! Not every line of attack goes through the Supreme Court. Here’s the latest tactic to undermine abortion access. It’s so under the radar that it only shows up on rightwing propaganda sites and YOU need to know about it!  There’s a huge effort to shut down clinics by pressuring and threatening medical waste disposal companies to stop dealing with clinics, making it impossible for the clinics to operate. Here’s the dirt on their scheme in their own words!


In a variation on that plot, Texas is trying to harass clinics by forcing them to dispose of fetal remains by either cremation or burial! So they want this medical waste to either have a complete funeral… or fester in a dumpster because no waste company will take it. Breathtaking! Here’s the lowdown on the 6-feet under approach.


Department of DUH! Here’s the right-rag Daily Caller freaking out over the fact that a British doctor says women should be able to take their abortion pills at home. WTF? THAT’s HOW THEY WORK, Geniuses! I know these dicks would rather have women just take the pills directly in a jail cell, but we’re not quite there, yet.