Update on the Uterine Wall: Trump administration finally says that these two detained immigrant teens can access abortion care. But honestly, it scares us a little that they backed down from their appeal. Is there something something more to this particular story? Are they gearing up for a bigger case? Read this Buzzfeed report on the case.
Hyde and Suck: Republicans aren’t about to let stealing from the middle class or killing Obamacare interfere with their continuing assault on abortion rights. Read how anti-choice House vigilantes are trying to do all three simultaneously.
Farewell to a friend of us all: A legendary fighter for abortion rights, Janet Benshoof has passed away at age 70. She was in the struggle from the earliest days of Roe v Wade. You can get a sense of just how much we owe her from this excellent Washington Post tribute.
Shut up while I yell at you! Here’s a big scoop of ugly with some nasty on top—Laura Ingraham ranting at a reasonable (heroic really) lawyer about the detained teenage girls… no wait, I think it’s about hamsters. Way to bring someone on your show to talk about the law and then resort to hysterical nonsense when she, heaven forbid, makes complete sense! Watch this clip and then try to practice some of the grace and genius that the lawyer does in the face of Laura's anger.