From the Department of NO SHIT, here’s a great reminder from the New York Times about the importance of federal judges in deciding—oh, let’s say EVERYTHING. And especially the stuff you may assume that you get to decide on your own, like, you know, your reproductive choices.
From the Department of SEE ABOVE—even MORE proof that judges matter. A third of Trump’s judicial nominees are overtly hostile to LGBT rights—as in granting them basic human rights. In what world is this OK? In the world that’s coming… unless we do something.
Here’s an amazing look at the very real lives that are so severely impacted by the decisions of the judges we’ve been talking about. This video about a dedicated and courageous abortion doctor says as much about the need to protect our rights as any op-ed. Watch this and put a human face on all of the reasons we keep on fighting.
Let’s hear from a voice so often forgotten in discussions of sex, sexuality, and abortion. Here a disabled woman explains why she thinks OHIO’s Down syndrome abortion ban is bad for everybody.
You won’t be needing that maternity care will you? Because billionaires need more money NOW! Here’s a shocker—those billions of tax cuts for the superrich are going to be paid for by cutting back on things like maternity care. Romper explains how you can help make David Koch richer by cutting back on luxuries like prenatal care.