Trump to HHS doctors: Don’t worry about that “doctoring” stuff. Politico reports that new rules will protect them for refusing to provide abortion care or treat transgender patients or other stuff that makes baby Jesus sad.


New Year, New dedication. You have to read this great piece from Ebony all about how the anniversary of Roe v Wade and last year’s Women’s March make January a perfect time for all people to game up, especially for women of color, in the fight for reproductive rights and justice


Warning: assholes in black robes with wooden hammers will fuck you up! Learn how the judges that Trump is picking can destroy your rights for decades to come, in this amazing op-ed by kickass activist and actress Kathleen Turner.


Um, because the sex ed curriculum from repressive puritan shit-spitters really sucks? Read why some parents in Grandview, Washington have their granny panties in a bunch over why the school district chose a sex ed curriculum from Planned Parenthood.


Barf. Here’s a reminder that we aren’t the only ones gearing up for a productive 2018—the Back-To-Coat-Hangers-Crew of abortion rights haters are sharpening their forked tongues. And they’ve got a little thing called COMPLETE CONTROL OF EVERY BRANCH OF GOVERNMENT. That just means we have to fight harder.