When someone shows you who they are… maybe don’t confirm them to be health secretary! Like Vice says, Alex Azar thinks fetuses are people and that part of the health secretary’s job is protecting the “unborn.” Honestly, if a person uses a term like “unborn” or “preborn” seriously and not for their horror movie spec script, they shouldn’t be given any job.
It took Congress 16 weeks to fund CHIP, literally the most bipartisan bill ever in existence basically, but now they think that pregnant people should only get 20-weeks to decide if they want an abortion. Glad that people having drunken Halloween sex are held to a higher standard than the bozos making our laws!
There’s a reason people change their Facebook status to “It’s complicated,” it means absolutely nothing but gets you a lot of attention. That’s the case in Indiana where the Senate has proposed a bill that says clinics have to report “complications” to the state department of health. Quick reminder: abortions are safe, this is just another bullshit trap law trying to bring some negative attention to clinics, and we’re not going to like your new status, Becky!
“Texas’ sneaky plan to defund Planned Parenthood” is about as sneaky as a cowboy in spurs demanding we settle this at dawn. But you could basically just dangle keys in front of this administration and they'll sign anything. The keys here are “Planned Parenthood is bad” and the administration could end up screwing over Texas healthcare for years!