Spoiler Alert! Netflix’ Black Mirror straight up gets the facts on emergency contraception dangerously wrong and badass fans ARE CALLING IT OUT! Dear Black Mirror: Your Lazyass fact checking, is more terrifying than your show.


These assholes just can’t leave GOOD alone. ILLINOIS had the common sense and compassion to expand Medicaid to cover abortion care, so of course conservative groups attack with lawsuits. Read here how a judge just told them to STFU. And yes, that means they’ll appeal.


Anti-choice gadfly Frank Pavone can’t resist creating a steaming pile of anti-choice word salad. This time, The Hill is the host of his, “MY religious liberty allows me to deny YOUR LIBERTY” rotting chestnut. You might wanna hold your nose while reading this one.


Roy Moore isn’t the only arch-conservative slime-nut to be obsessed with teenage girls. As this great opinion piece in the Washington Post points out, the whole Trump administration has a twisted fascination with the uteruses of immigrant teens.


It’s the states (and localities), stupid! From our friends at Bustle, here’s your guide to a Happy New Year in 2018, when happiness includes guaranteeing and expanding reproductive rights. And it’s happening in your backyard!