The bigots who cried eugenics!  In this powerful piece from the Nation, the father of a child with Down syndrome  explains how Republicans are trying to portray reproductive choice as some sort of disability genocide and how “body autonomy” has to be at the center of all discussions of “disability rights.”


Getting good shit DONE!  While Washington is consumed in a continuous Trumpster fire, there are plenty of kickass pro-choice bills being moved on the state level. Rewire shows why we don’t have to fiddle while the Trump presidency burns.


Here’s why we can’t let them drag us back to the alleys: Women in Brazil have to risk everything just to speak out about the nightmare world where abortion is illegal. Read this to remind yourself what this fight is all about!


Hey, how’s that unqualified psychopathic president working out for you, at least in terms of fucking up women’s reproductive freedom? The National Review issues a “pro-life” scorecard for their pussy-grabber-in-chief.


Oh shit, did we forget to take your healthcare while we were giving all your money to billionaires? Conservatives want to go back and destroy Obamacare just to make this whole “crush the poors” thing tidier.