Do you like to meet new and interesting people, and then totally lie to them? You could have a future as a Fake Abortion Clinic volunteer. This Patheos piece features the lies from a REAL “crisis pregnancy center” handbook! Must-read!
And, don’t worry, fake clinics will still be allowed to peddle the lies they spread from these handbooks. An appeals court overturned a BALTIMORE law, and decided that fake clinics and fake volunteers are still totally allowed to lie to visitors.
Meanwhile, at the REAL clinics: Here’s a great article from WFPL in Louisville about the people on the front lines for abortion access in KENTUCKY, WEST VIRGINIA, (only one clinic left in each state!) and OHIO (half the clinics closed).
Hey, aren’t you the same people who lie about everything else? In ARKANSAS, state officials swear on a stack of fake clinic handbooks that real clinics have absolutely nothing to fear from new laws specifically designed to shut them down! Why would they lie?