Tomorrow, team LPJL is heading to the Supreme Court. The state of California passed a law (The FACT Act) that says fake clinics shouldn’t be able to lie and deceive women! And fake clinics were all “Naw, man, it’s our free speech to say abortion causes breast cancer because we want it to. Also it’s infringing on our free speech to hang one small sign.” Gah, we wish we were making this up! Read up on the full case here, then cheer on LPJL, NARAL, ReproAction, Planned Parenthood, and more tomorrow (or come out if you’re in DC)!


The stories behind abortions are a varied as the people who have them. Here’s one you really need to read about—from a Catholic obstetrician with some important thoughts about abortion in the real world. And puritan moralizing doesn’t change the real world. 


Anti-choice legis-haters love to pass their blatantly unconstitutional abortion bans and restrictions, trying to drain the resources of pro-choice activists and clinics. But as this excellent piece from public radio in OHIO points out—they’re also draining the pockets of the taxpayers. Millions spent defending indefensible abortion bans would be better spent benefiting real living children! But then that would make sense. 


What does all the anti-abortion mob’s violent rhetoric about “murder” and the sidewalk screaming get them? It gets them nutjobs like this still-on-the-loose loser in UTAH who was tearing out Planned Parenthood yard-signs and then pointed a gun at someone who confronted him. They’ll pretend this is some kind of freak occurrence, when they’re the ones egging the freaks on


Duh & Double Duh! To the surprise of nobody not blinded by anti-science, a major study has concluded that abortion in America is “safe and effective,” and with few complications. In fact, the study says the complications come from the regulations, waiting periods, and the lies about abortion that too many states force on patients. Is it a surprise that they’re willing to endanger women’s health in order to attack their rights? 


Laugh So You Don’t Cry Department: The lying POS in the middle of the SCOTUS case about FAKE clinics lying to their victims/patients also writes teen fiction, it turns out! Here’s a hilarious recap from Jezebel of his anti-abortion potboiler. But fiction makes sense for him—we knew from the things that he told patients at his clinics that he was good at making shit up.