And we thought blaming abortions for mass shootings was SO last week? Like a deranged monologue written by Tennessee Williams, a Virginia lawmaker blamed “the abortion industry,” “broken families,” and like, the general concept of “the sixties” for the epidemic of mass shootings. If we’re being pedantic, my dude, abortion wasn’t legalized in the U.S. until 1973 (not the sixties). If we’re being honest, if gun violence gets you so worked up that you start yelling a bunch of non sequiturs maybe that means… it’s time to actually take an effing stand against guns and stop blaming everything on abortion!
Our sincerest condolences to anyone who values reproductive rights in Oklahoma. All the Republican gubernatorial candidates are SO anti-choice that one candidate in an attempt to stand out, declared that he’d immediately criminalize abortion if elected, like as soon as he’s sworn in. We guess yelling, “I DON’T CARE ABOUT THE CONSTITUTION” is the quickest way to stand out in a pack of extremists.
A court just ruled that your employer is free to deny you contraceptive coverage if the idea of you having protected sex somehow offends them. This ruling, being heralded as religious freedom, means that employers can hinder your religious freedom by claiming theirs are being violated by you fucking responsibly! This kind of legislation gets off on technicalities, but we guess no one is gonna be getting off if the courts have anything to say about it!
Meanwhile, WASHINGTON state is headed in the opposite direction (that would be forward, hello!) They’re in the process of enacting a bill that will require health insurers to cover birth control… including elective abortions! Thank you, Washington! It seems like there are pockets of this country that DO realize it’s the 21st century!