More news from the Rabbit-hole: HHS is reportedly putting an “abstinence only” bat-crapper in total control of allocating ALL THE FEDERAL FUNDS for family planning! That’s right, Valerie Huber, who doesn’t think contraception works (but apparently lectures do!) also believes IUD’s are murder. And oh yeah, she is trying to fool us by reframing “abstinence only” as “sexual risk avoidance” THIS PERSON IS IN CHARGE OF ALL THE MONIES!!!


House Republicans refuse to pass spending bill unless it ruins everything for everybody. New York explains how GOPissers in the House are holding a budget deal hostage to their demands to kneecap Planned Parenthood, fetal tissue research, and the Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program. What good is a spending bill if it doesn’t give us more pregnant teens, AMIRITE?  


Race to the Bottom Update! Remember when Mississippi’s insane bill to ban abortion after 15 weeks was the benchmark for fuckery?? KENTUCKY wants to take it to 11 weeks! It just makes it clearer that the goal has always been 0! Oh, And if you have ever wondered, “Where do they get these numbers?” They are completely arbitrary and whether it’s Mississippi, Ohio, Iowa or the dozen other states proposing these bans, they are ALL  designed to help them get their equally arbitrary National 20-week ban!  


Speaking of all these rando cases, this story focuses on Missisippi, but is a good explainer of the thought behind creating these laws they can – pick one to argue in front of the Gorsuch-a-shame Supreme Court so they can change the fetal viability rules on when states are allowed to restrict abortion.


Fighting for repro rights? Prepare to get ICE’d! The Trumpies are using Immigration and Customs Enforcement to attack activists for reproductive freedom, immigrant rights, and other things that annoy President Grope-n-Wall. And these are just the people they’re coming for first…