MISSISSIPPI leads the pack in almost every race nobody wants to win, and now they’re hot to become the first state to virtually outlaw abortion. Their well-on-the-way plan to ban abortion after 15 weeks (!) is just the tip of an iceberg poised to sink reproductive rights. And other states will follow. This great piece from Bustle lays the plot bare.
Here’s a novel approach to thinking about abortion—how does it affect the PEOPLE WHO NEED IT?! Amid all the lies and pearl-clutching around “fetal heartbeats” and lies about “dismemberment,” this article talks to a few women about how SOUTH CAROLINA’s dickensian abortion laws would affect them.
This Republican candidate for governor of COLORADO says she won’t “accept a label” on abortion. That’s because that label would read “Caution: contents harmful to anyone who wants control over their own body.” Rewire exposes this hypocrite at best and fraud at worst—somewhere on that spectrum, we don’t want to label her!
FAKE clinics are everywhere, and this is a great reminder of how many states actually throw taxpayer money at these scam artists! Activists in Pittsburgh are launching a campaign to expose the fraudsters there—and to remind people that PENNSYLVANIA is one of the states that gives these liars public funds to defraud the public.