Whose rights does a religious terrorist have to trample to get a little jail time in this place? The priests who forced their way into abortion clinics in VIRGINIA get ZERO jail time and a suspended fine! You must read this.
Blame the feminists who fought so you could spew your trash! In a speech called “Lies Feminists Tell,” an anti-choice agitator gives a lecture at Kansas University rambling on about clinics having “abortion quota” and other shit. Take a look in the funhouse mirror with this article.
White? Male? Hate Women? Then you too can be a nominee for federal judge! No legal experience needed! Extra points if you’ve defended the Klan or been arrested for breaking the law at anti-abortion rallies. Rewire explains that all of that is true!
A Shitty City on a Hill: Detained and pregnant refugees seeking the American dream are denied control of their own bodies and then forced to go to fake Crisis Pregnancy Centers for counseling indoctrination. Reveal News reveals all.