You want WHAT? The anti-abortion wrecking crew at Trump’s Department of Health Services is getting ready to set the rules for applying for Title X family planning grants. Read here how you can expect Title X to become Title Ex as they fine tune things with a sledgehammer.
No waiting! FLORIDA mulls the fantastical concept that pregnant people aren’t children as a judge decides the fate of the mandatory abortion waiting period. Don’t wait to read this.
Ever wonder where anti-choice crusaders get their statistics? Turns out it’s out of their ass then published as fact. Check out this fantasy classic about OREGON where they verify a totally made-up figure with the time-tested method of telling it repeatedly to idiots.
Here’s another fine-crafted argument from the Fuck-What-Anybody-Else-Thinks school. In this one, they claim to “utterly destroy” the idea that rape victims need access to abortion, but instead just give you a glimpse of the twisted Hellscape that forms their view of the world.
Time for a truth shower. Try to get the funk of those last couple of propaganda pieces off of you with this sober and sobering look at where abortion rights stand in the US right now. It’s from Truthout and it’s written by our friend, the heroic abortion doctor LeRoy Carhart.