It’s the return of the gang who couldn’t shoot doctored videos straight! James O’Keefe of Project Veritas (because the name Dipshits with Cameras must have been taken) has gotten busted trying to feed false stories to the Washington Post to discredit their reporting on Roy Moore. This is the guy who went after Planned Parenthood in a similar scam in 2008 (not the infamous “baby parts” fake video that got Carly Fiorina so wet. These were deceptively edited videos where imposters pretended to be patients and O’Keefe posed as a donor.)  It’s a short jump from attacking repro rights to defending child molesters. Read about it here!


Now that you’ve read that nonsense, here’s a little palate cleanser! It’s #GivingTuesday and we’re reflecting on all the work we’ve done this year for reproductive rights and all the work still to come. If you’re feeling particularly generous please donate to us today!