Look, if you don't know this tax bill is a total shitshow by now, what else can we do to help? Oh, you know what, we'll link to it right here and you can read all the terrible garbage in it yourself. Or just read the CBO analysis of why it sucks.
There is a small army of unqualified, anti-choice judicial nominees, and they’re headed for your uterus. Planned Parenthood’s Cecile Richards explains that abortion laws inevitably end up in court, and that with judges like these, our court system is going to end up in the shitter.
Title X getting axed! Trump’s person in charge of money for family planning believes “contraception doesn’t work.” You must read here how anti-abortion crusaders installed at Health & Human Services plan to steer family planning money to scams like phony Crisis Pregnancy Centers.
Yellow Brick Road Warriors! Remember how LPJL helped the great folks at Hartford GYN smack-down the fake CPC that opened only feet away from them? We painted the entrance to the REAL clinic bright gold and now patients just “follow the yellow brick road.” Now the city of HARTFORD is trying to make it harder for the FAKE clinic to lead people down the wrong road. Here it is, brick by brick.
What creates a culture where women are harassed and disempowered? In the funhouse mirror world of anti-choice freaks, those things are caused by women having control of their own bodies and reproductive lives. If you feel like MAYBE you've calmed down a little in terms of rage and you REALLY want to up that anger again read this and learn why the real problem isn’t having a groper for president and a pedophile in the Senate—it’s slutty Halloween costumes.