Gone are the days of hiding your assholery in some sanctimonious “but wut about the bbs” nonsense, GOPers are showing their true colors by trying to pass plan after plan to make abortion illegal all while cutting tax breaks for adoption. It’s almost as if they’ve never … wait for it… wait for it … really cared about human babies after all.
But hey, let’s hear their side of the tax bill—THAT cutting adoption, birth control and Medicaid is promoting life! Read anti-choice flak Tom McClusky try to sell you a shit sandwich with a side of lies in this ugly op-ed.
Ugh. “Abortion makes you mentally unstable!” is the latest batshit anti abortion fan fiction that the UTER-ISIS have cooked about the immigrant teen who had to fight for her abortion, and this Washington Times article lays the bullsht on thick. Real Talk: After what this country put her through, her abortion is the ONLY positive experience she has had.
Ultrasound and Fury: Indiana Court to decide if the state can continue to force abortion providers to show HD-Fetus TV images to women to shame them out of abortions… WITH an added 18-hour waiting period so they can digest the movie! Two big thumbs down!
It’s Election Day! The day our votes help stop the rising tide of swamp-water, misogyny, and general fuckwaddery that so far hasn’t “Made America Great Again.” The Governors race in Virginia is one of the most important elections today and this great piece in Essence breaks down what is at stake for black women in this very important race.