Lady Parts Justice League just MADE Netroots Nation!
We made our point
We made connections
We made friends
We made our (and your) voices heard
And we gave a thousand people gold uterus tattoos! And we had some kickass cocktail parties and singalongs as part of the three-day Netroots Nation gathering/celebration/group hug.
And while LPJL was at the heart of the biggest progressive gathering on the planet, we made sure that abortion rights continue to be at the heart of the progressive agenda. On top of that, we communed with kindred spirits in the Reproductive Justice movement.
HUGE SHOUT OUT to everyone on the panel “Not Your Wedge Issue: The State of Abortion Access and Reproductive Justice”
Aimee Thorne-Thompson of Sister Song,
Pamela Merritt of ReproAction,
Laura Jimenez of California Latinas for Reproductive Justice,
Illinois Rep Jan Schakowsky
We listened and learned and held real exchanges about the differences between the Reproductive Rights that LPJL champions, and Reproductive Justice groups we ally with. We here at LPJL are really proud of the work we do to defend clinics and clinic workers and access to abortion. We were so honored to be on a panel that dug into the differences between our work as a repro rights organization and the work of our friends in the repro justice movement.
Aimee Thorne-Thomsen of Sister Song dropped some repro justice truth when she said, “For us to have the self-determined lives we want we need health we need lives we need justice.”
What we do is different but mutually dependent–so it’s vital that we in the Reproductive Rights movement honor and amplify the work of those in the Reproductive Justice community.
Kickin’ Ass with Intersectionality! That’s the version that fits on a t-shirt.
Thanks to everyone at Netroots Nation and to everyone who helped support our journey there–it was more than worth it. Now it’s on to Cleveland and the RNC where we are celebrating with the amazing Ohio abortion providers at Preterm and giving them some much-needed hugs, tacos, and support during the onslaught of vaginal crossing guards.