“I’m falling… and in the good times I found myself longing for change…”

It’s been a busy week for the states guys, and we’re really looking ahead to how fun our Oscars party is gonna be, but first we wanna give you a quick updates on what’s going on all around the U.S.

Remember how stupid people sob about how accusations can ruin a man’s career. Well good news, idiots, being arrested for creepy, threatening abortion protests can’t even ruin a man’s career. MEN ARE JUST CONSTANTLY GIVEN JOBS!

If you heard the term “Trigger Laws” and thought “Hey are states finally focusing on something important like comprehensive gun legislation?” Well, of course the answer is “HELL NO, we live in a nightmare.” Read up on all the garbage laws getting passed all around the U.S.

You know how they say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing more than once and expecting different results? Well, we have to say that the people continually trying to pass “fetal heartbeat bills” even though they’re ALWAYS proven unconstitutional are … giant assholes.

Look, we don’t talk about Vermont a lot here and… here’s why… looks like while we were stressing about how terrible all the states are and how much the RHA is being attacked Vermont was like “Oh hey… we’re gonna just pass in the House some really great comprehensive abortion protection.”

We love these abortion positive posters in Colorado. Wish the states around them would step it up though!