Well, friends, we’ve seen some shit this week! You see, we’re in Indianapolis, because someone had to counter-protest the scary extremists at “Summer of Justice.” For those blissfully unaware of what Summer of Justice is, well, we’re sorry that we’re about to ruin you day. No, it is not a summer of that teen clothing story you went too, it’s a group of terrorists invading a very nice city. Yes, Operation Save America WAS JUST IN THE NEWS THIS WEEK for the extremes they go to to harass abortion providers. And now they’re hosting the worst block party EVER in Indianapolis. They’ve got their aggressive signs, they’re misquoted Bible verses, their endless well of hatred, and dammit, they’re gonna YELL!
So we, of course, plan to yell louder. Take yesterday: we counter protested Activist Mommy (Oh boy, if you don’t know about her GET READY) by dressing up as Activist Mommy Dearest and letting people know just how horrible she is. As LPJLer Jaye McBride put it, Activist Mommy is the least Christian person we’ve ever heard of. She seems to hate everything and love nothing. She’s gone on some TRULY offensive anti-LGBT, anti-birth control, and PRO- child beating (yeah, we know) rants. And she’s a speaker at… the Summer of Justice.
OK we’re gonna stop repeating this phrase because it’s honestly one of our favorite things that it doesn’t show up first when you google “Summer of Justice” and we’d like to keep it that way. So send a little extra love to the abortion providers of Indiana this week, and if you can spare some time and live nearby, maybe come out and counter protest with us! It’s gonna take a lot of megaphones to drown out these nightmares!