A 20-week abortion ban has just been fast-tracked in the senate. It's failed earlier this year and most probably will not pass again. Seems like an exercise in futility right? Well, it seems even more ridiculous when you realize that only 1 percent of all abortions are performed at 20 weeks or later. And even those are usually under dire circumstances. So, let's think about it. Lawmakers are exerting all their effort on a bill that WON'T PASS to solve a problem THAT ISN'T EVEN A PROBLEM.
Here's a list of more pressing issues:
1. The budget
2. Global Warming
3. Immigration
4. The economy
5. Education
6. Where is Rihanna's next album?
7. GUN CONTROL, if you really want to be pro-life
8. Will Cookie take Lucious back on EMPIRE?
9. Are Bey and Jay forever?
10. Iran – that's a thing right?
So what should the Senate prioritize?