It’s another Feminist Buzzkills News Break! Part 1 of this vital conversation introduced y'all to the overall lack of healthcare for incarcerated women in the US. So, hop back in with us for Part 2 as we tackle a closer discourse on access to abortion care in prisons and the specific challenges faced by incarcerated undocumented folks. Joining us with her expertise (and unstoppable glasses game) in discussing the intersection of healthcare and this country’s racist, sexist, inhumane prison system is multi-hyphenate Badass, Reproductive Justice scholar and fighter, Chancellor’s Professor at UC Irvine, ACLU board member, author of Policing the Womb, podcast host of Ms. Magazine’s “On the Issues with Michele Goodwin,” and so much more – Dr. Michele B Goodwin!!
Revisit Part 1, here.
Featured Feminist Buzzkills:
Lizz Winstead @lizzwinstead
Moji Alawode-El @mojilocks
Marie Khan @mjkhan
Special Guest: Dr. Michele Goodwin @michelebgoodwin
- Chancellor’s Professor at UC Irvine, Author of Policing the Womb, podcast host of “On the Issues with Michele Goodwin,” ACLU Board member
Meaty Story / Dr. Michele Goodwin shares her knowledge:
Marie brings in the Nebraska news story
Marie’s questions for Dr. Goodwin — If someone is pregnant and is incarcerated/being held, do they always need to fight for care like this? Are there states with better track records regarding incarcerated pregnant folks?
- This happens often & in other states as well
- California has a Reproductive Privacy Act written into its constitution
- New York has a Reproductive Health and Privacy Act
This past decade has had a dramatic uprise in TRAP Laws:
- From 2010-2013, there were more anti-abortion laws that were proposed and enacted than in the 30 years prior, COMBINED!!!
Lizz’s questions for Dr. Goodwin — As we see the intersection between anti-abortion extremists, White supremacy,Christian extremists, and law enforcement, are those who are working inside the prison system just straight up ignoring this pregnant person’s request for an abortion or reproductive care?
- “To put it quite simply, that is absolutely what’s happening” – Dr. Goodwin
Jane Doe Abortion Case (2017-2019)
- ****HORRIFYING FACT ALERT (Opposite of a Fun Fact)!!!****
- The judge who wrote the dissenting opinion on the Jane Doe case, is Brett Kavanaugh of the Supreme Court
- Brigitte Amiri, along with the ACLU, played a critical role in this case
- Brigitte Amiri’s Deposition of Scott Lloyd & the horrors of Refugee Resettlement
- She wrote about the intersectional harms of race & sex, 1930’s
- The state surveillance of incarcerated pregnant women
- The backdrop that has led us to where we are today
Wrap-up with Moji / Resources from Dr. Goodwin
- How can our listeners/viewers become involved in the Reproductive Justice Fight for detained & incarcerated communities?
- Sylvia Rivera Law Project (SRLP) – FOLLOW!
- Follow organizations like AAF
- Film: Belly of the Beast
- Thank you Dr. Michele Goodwin!