After last night, we’re not gonna lie, we are not feeling great. We were hoping for a little MORE CHEER this holiday season!Sure some good stuff happened, like in a great troll to all the haters, Planned Parenthood will open 50 reproductive health clinics in high schools in California. But it still doesn’t feel like it’s been a great week for Team Good! But we will try again next week! Until then, some quick hits.
- The Supreme Court decided that Kentucky could keep torturing patients! So that’s… not dope. Bills that force providers to not only SHOW an ultrasound but DESCRIBE it to the patient… what are you trying to prove? It’s so cruel and manipulative… it should just be a no brainer that this kind of law can’t stand. And in case you’re like “that’s not so bad” please read this article and then this article!
- Fake clinics were in the news in and not because they all decided to stop existing! WE got this great story outta Georgia about the lawmakers fighting back against fake clinics! And also… THIS AWFUL story from our least favorite people ever (tie with all other anti-abortion loser), Obria! Obria Chief Kathleen Eaton Bravo decided to tell everyone she is mad racist as clearly as possible when she said… that white people were being REPLACED with Muslims because of abortion. I mean… these people always reveal themselves. You just have to pay attention.
- Florida’s still trying to get minors to notarize their abortion
- Abortion Care Network released a huge independent clinic study this week that showed that a THIRD of independent clinics have closed since 2015!
- And lawmakers still think you can just magically reimplant ectopic pregnancies!
OK we’ll come back next week excited, but oh boy y’all… IT NEEDS TO STOP RAINING!