Roe v Wade is turning 45 and Trump is… also our 45th president. You know how sometimes a good thing has to be balanced out by a bad thing in life, the ying and yang, the opens a door and closes a window of existence? Well this week is like that if a kinda OK thing was being counterbalanced by a literal demon sent on the earth to wreck havoc on all of society.

This week saw another pregnant, undocumented teen trying to escape the clutches of the anti choice zealots at ORR, the federal agency overseeing migrant youth, who are attempting to deny her legal right to access abortion care. Once again she won, but not before a lot of bullshit stalling from the gov. They never win these, but their attempt to take away the humanity of refugees is literally antithetical to everything America stands for.

We felt a false sense of hope as birth control denier (oh boy is it insane that this is a thing a person can be) Teresa Manning was shitcanned after just 8 months of undermining family planning at HHS. But as the week went on, our LOL’s turned to WTF’s as it felt like maybe she was let go because she was not extreme enough.  

Which brings us to Thursday.

Yep. After The Department of Hate and Inhuman Services corked Teresa Manning, they pivoted even further right by announcing they are opening a brand new shiney, Department of Discrimination, created to eliminate abortion providers, trans health providers and anyone else who provides medical care that offends some order of nuns.

And if that wasn’t enough good news for this pussy comitatus, they close out the week with the “March For Life”, their annual gathering of dedicated extremists who celebrate stripping away our rights, condemn Roe V Wade, and pledge allegiance to the fetus. This year is an epic one, as for the first time in the gatherings’ 45 year history, they’ll be addressed via satellite by Forbes-Subscriber-In-Chief, Donald Trump.  

But if HHS being a nightmare town that basically believes “discrimination” can only happen to Christian people and if a bunch of Tammys are about to have their little walkathon in DC, a should-be fringe group getting validated by the EFFING PRESIDENT, then the big, strong force that’s gonna hopefully counterbalance all the shit is the storm of allies, marching this Saturday across the nation to fight the hate. We know it’s gonna take a huge huge weight to rebalance the scales of justice, and we will not stop until we’ve recorrected the arc of history!