Abortion Access Front presents…

When BS Is Poppin’, We Pop Off!
Lizz Winstead
Daily Show co-creator, Founder
Abortion Access Front
Moji Alawode-El
Writer, activist, Marketing Manager
Abortion Access Front
Welcome to Feminist Buzzkills! – The weekly podcast from Abortion Access Front. Hosted by Lizz Winstead (The Daily Show co-creator, comedian, and founder of Abortion Access Front ) and Moji Alawode-El (writer, activist, marketing guru Abortion Access Front). These hilarious and brilliant experts on all things abortion, break down the weekly news from patriarchy’s evil trilogy of misogyny, white supremacy, and anti-abortion extremism. They make sense of all the madness, by digging in hard with policy experts, leaders in the reproductive health, rights, and justice movements, and the activists working on the ground.
Bonus – You’ll get info on what you can do to fight back!!!
And because it’s a podcast from The Daily Show co-creator, we have the best comedians and musicians poppin’ in to pop off, plus plenty of scathing commentary and satirical sketches that put all these sexist ass clowns on blast.
Let’s do this!
See the Feminists Buzzkills Live!
Feminist Buzzkills Podcast Live Taping
The Feminist Buzzkills Podcast is coming to you LIVE in Atlanta on July 20th!
Come rage, laugh and ask them questions as they get into the latest important and outrageous abortion stories with the experts you need and the comedians you love!
PLUS: They always have THE BEST GUESTS and joining them in all the audacity are Comedian Baron Vaughn from the Netflix series Grace and Frankie, and the Reproductive Justice trifecta of Kwajelyn Jackson from the Feminist Women’s Health Center, Inyang Njoku from ARC-Southeast and Agbo Ikor with SPARK Reproductive Justice NOW to talk abortion access in Georgia.