May Day is more than a festive celebration of springtime involving a pole and a lot of ribbons. “Mayday” is an international call of distress. And distress is what abortion clinics, abortion providers, and abortion rights are constantly under.
And something lots of folks don’t know is that, Mother’s Day week is a call to action for horrible extremists to turn up the hate towards clinics with even bigger protests and sending a shit ton of ugly cards and letters full of horrible images and vitriol.
But LPJL has a plan to help the clinics and we would love you to join us!
Sunday, May 1st Lady Parts Justice League is having a brunch and postcard writing party to send cards of love and we think you should too.
Here’s the plan- Get some festive postcards this week and then make plans to get together with friends, mix up some mimosas, and do some good old fashion kitchen table activism THIS SUNDAY MAY 1ST . If you are ambitious, join us in popping a note to all of ’em! If your day is too hectic, maybe you can just send a few to your local providers. If you can’t gather friends, please send at least one on your own. Spreading love to providers THIS WEEK is all we are asking you to do!
BUT- Before you send it off, we would love you to snap a picture and post that your are participating on social media using the hashtags #PostcardSunday and #ThankBank
CLICK HERE for The list of providers by city.
* IMPORTANT: USE POSTCARDS, NOT REGULAR LETTERS. Postcards are safer because awful people can put awful things in an envelope and we want this to be a nice experience.
Thanks so much for participating. It means EVERYTHING to them to hear from people who care. Simple gestures can bring a ton of joy.
In solidarity,
Lizz and the Lady Parts Justice League.