Who’s going to the President’s last State Of Union address?
The President’s guests (as a stated by Whitehouse dot gov) “…personify President Obama’s time in office and most importantly, they represent who we are as Americans: inclusive and compassionate, innovative and courageous.”
A Vacant Seat for the Victims of Gun Violence
Sue Ellen Allen (Scottsdale, AZ), Criminal Justice Reform
Gloria Balenski (Schaumburg, IL), Letter Writer
Jennifer Bragdon (Austin, TX), Community College Student
Edith Childs (Greenwood, SC), Greenwood County Councilmember
Cynthia “Cindy” K. Dias (Las Vegas, NV), Veteran, Veterans Homelessness Advocate
Mark Davis (Washington, D.C.), Small Business Owner
Cary Dixon (Huntington, WV), Mother, Opioid Reform Advocate
Lydia Doza (Klamath Falls, OR // Anchorage, AK), College Student, STEM Advocate
Refaai Hamo (Troy, MI), Syrian Refugee
Lisa Jaster (Houston, TX), Major, U.S. Army Reserve, Ranger School Graduate
Mayor Mark Luttrell (Shelby County, TN), Shelby County Mayor
Gov. Dannel P. Malloy (Hartford, CT), Connecticut Governor
Braeden Mannering (Bear, DE), Let’s Move!
Satya Nadella (Bellevue, WA), Microsoft CEO
Jim Obergefell (Cincinnati, OH), Activist
Chief Kathleen O’Toole (Seattle, WA), Police Chief, Community Policing
Ryan Reyes (San Bernardino, CA), Activist
Ronna Rice (Greeley, CO), Small Business Owner
Cedric Rowland (Chicago, IL), ACA Navigator
Naveed Shah (Springfield, VA), U.S. Army Veteran
Earl Smith (Austin, TX), Veteran
Spencer Stone (Sacramento, CA), Staff Sergeant, U.S. Air Force
Oscar Vazquez (Fort Worth, TX), Veteran, DREAMer, STEM leader
Continuing with the theme of inclusivity Reps. Zoe Lofgren (Calif.) and Alcee Hastings (Fla.) will both be hosting officials from the Council on American-Islamic Relations.
But who else got invited?!
Well The Family Research Council invited Kim Davis and her lawyer Mat Staver to the State of the Union. And we know how Davis feels about unions! Also Staver, her lawyer is from the tax exempt evangelical Christian litigation group “The Liberty Council” who the Souther Poverty Law Center listed as a hate group and has been denounced by the Jewish Anti-Defamation League for comparing Davis to Jews in the gas chambers. So clearly these guests are in line with Obama’s theme of “inclusive and compassionate”.
And who are the people standing along the wall criticizing…
John McCain responded The President’s guest list by saying “I'd like to see another empty chair for the 250,000 Syrians that have been slaughtered, and barrel bombed, and starved to death, and tortured by Bashar Assad thanks to his failed policy,” (MSNBC Morning Joe). Apparently honoring the 280,024 Americans that have been killed by gun violence in the last decade just isn’t good enough for John McCain. Hashtag: Bitter Bus.
Come dance with us! Lady Parts Justice Leaguers will be live tweeting The State of the Union! Join us and use the hashtag #LPJSOTU