There’s an old adage you’re maybe taught when you’re younger, to say at parties to seem progressive, but not too progressive: no one is pro-abortion.
Fuck that. We’ve tried being kind and cordial and meeting in the middle and LOOK what the eff happened. These fucks are trying to ban abortion at 6-weeks with no exception. These anti-abortion creeps are demanding people get pelvic exams twice before taking the effing abortion pill. These losers are saying that in order to get FAMILY PLANNING (title X) money you can’t even SAY the word “abortion.”
So we implore you: SAY ABORTION! Say it loud! Say it proud! Be pro-abortion. Pro-abortion when it’s someone who desparately needs one to survive and pro-abortion when it’s someone who forgot their birth control and pro-abortion when it’s somehow who is always super careful but the condom broke and pro-abortion when it’s someone who forgot to wear a condom and pro-abortion regardless of the circumstance and pro-abortion because you can’t shame people into acting the way you think is right and the way you think is right is COMPLETELY arbitrary anyway!
That’s what we did all week and it felt damn good. Sure we had some “Honk for Choice” signs. But we also told people HONK FOR ABORTION! Abortion is healthcare, healthcare is a right.
Today we wanted to give a huge shoutout to some of the many people who were pro-abortion with us! Follow them on social media, volunteer with them, donate with them, they are all the best!
In Wisconsin!
- Women’s Medical Fund
- Showing Up For Racial Justice (SURJ) Milwaukee
- Drag Queen Story Hour MKE
- LGBT+ Caucus of the Democratic Party of Wisconsin
- Progressive Moms of Wisconsin
- Women’s March Wisconsin
- Affiliated Medical Services Clinic Escorts
- Milwaukee County Democrats
- Madison Abortion Defense
- One Wisconsin Now
- National Organization of Women (NOW) Madison
- YWCA Madison
- Plymouth Justice Network
And nationally!
- Feminist Flag Corps, Columbus OH
- Feminist Majority Foundation
- Abortion Access Force Tennessee, Memphis TN
- Capital Care Clinic Escorts, Toledo OH
- Friends Who March, Chicago IL
- IL Handmaids
- Chicago Abortion Fund
- Acacia Consulting Group, Chicago IL
- Pinkhouse Defenders, Jackson MS
- Logan Square Solidarity Sunday, Chicago IL
- Indy Feminists, Indianapolis IN
- Abortion Care Network, Minneapolis MN
- Midwest Access Coalition, Chicago IL
- Indivisible Metro East, Chicago IL
- Texas Handmaids, Austin TX
- Women Have Options/ Ohio, Columbus OH
- Abortion Access Force
- Clamor and Lace, Chicago IL
Abortion summer camp forever, y’all! We love you! We love abortion! #AbortionAF