The Fighting Irish have been going round after round on this fucking birth control loophole, but now, they’ve decided to stop fighting the 21st century and let employees and students have contraceptive coverage! Victory March! Still guys, it took you long enough. This is like a hail mary on a fourth down over here (idk, idk, we aren’t a sports site). 


We love drinking up the tears of anti-sex thugs, so for a look at how the other side (or as we like to call them “the wrong side of history”) licked their wounds after this great BC news in Notre Dame, check out this Townhall article. You’d think Notre Dame just lost to USC on a last second field goal or something (idk idk, again this isn’t a sports site).


Predatory misogynist seeks likeminded fox to guard henhouse—Trump’s pick to promote women’s issues is a Rose Bowl float of anti-woman, anti-LGBT ugly. Check out this ACLU piece about the person who puts the “ass” in Women’s Ambassador. 


Stupid Question Department: The New Republic wants to know if it matters if abortion is legal. Does it matter if ivory-ensconced liberals overthink shit that should be ass-out obvious? FUCKING YES! And we bring you a million reasons why every day…


… like WISCONSIN, where abortion providers have to wade through a sewer of anti-choice laws and regulations every moment of every day. But we couldn’t even fight this shit if abortion was illegal! Read this great Cap Times article to cleanse the New Republic from your brain.