This Woman’s History Month we’d like to start off by giving a huge shoutout to Kim Reynolds, Governor of Iowa, for pushing a bill to allow pharmacists to dispense birth control without you having to go to a clinic first, Yass Quee… wait, wait a minute, we’re getting word from our knowledge of the world that this is the same Kim Reynolds who signed the 6-week abortion ban. Look, we can’t win ‘em all, ladies!
But the thing we love about this is like… everyone who gets in bed with the terrible anti-abortion lobby… has gotta eventually regret it. Like, when you associate with embarrassing people, eventually they’re gonna make you look bad. So this birth control bill, of course, is good, but then OF COURSE the sperm lovers anti-choice groups are gonna be like “well also we think this is killing a life, a sperm life” and you’re gonna be like “Can you just be cool for ONE FUCKING SECOND!”
No. They can’t.
Anyway, our point is that the other side is a legit disaster and our side is great. So great in fact, that all month we’ll be highlighting them all month for Women’s History Month! None of you lovely people embarrass us, you’re all compassionate and dedicated and SO hard working. Today we start by honoring Liz Krueger, sponsor of New York’s incredible Reproductive Health Act.
Next week we’ll be showcasing providers as part of Celebrate Abortion Providers Week. But if you’re reading this and work at a clinic we need YOUR HELP. We want to highlight nurses, administrative workers, and escorts who help YOUR CLINIC and don’t get enough appreciation! Send nominations to:
Let’s make this the BEST Women’s History Month ever!