The Femm App claims to be a “comprehensive women's health program” that will help users “achieve [their] health and reproductive goals” Sounds Legit, right? Not even a little. This app is a project of the Femm Foundation, and a report in The Guardian revealed that over the last three years, the Chiaroscuro Foundation, a Catholic charity with a history of donating to anti-choice campaigns, has given the developers of this app nearly $1.8 million dollars.
On its face, the Femm App seems like your standard ovulation/period tracker that will give you medically accurate information. It even claims right on their website that “FEMM Family Planning provides instruction for achieving and avoiding pregnancy.” Huh. In the “avoiding pregnancy” department, that’s solid nope. If you poke around the app’s “Get Help” section, there is very little information about “avoiding pregnancy.” In fact, the only pregnancy prevention method even mentioned is to “avoid genital contact during your fertile window.” That’s. It. Nothing about hormonal birth control or even condoms.