Excited. Moved. Energized. Stronger Together. Alive. Proud. These are some of the feelings I experienced at the Women’s March on Saturday.

NYC March - Caped Crusading

Sarah, Alex & Joyelle in NYC – Caped Crusading

Lady Parts Justice League had 6100 people sign up to join us at the NYC Women’s March. We had Leaguers in LA, DC, Philly, Minneapolis, Portland, Phoenix and Topeka carrying our sign “A Woman’s Place Is In Your Face” and the conviction that women MUST HAVE access to affordable and safe abortion care. LPJL joined the hundreds of thousands of people and organizations expressing their patriotic right to assemble. People marched for a myriad of reasons but all were united in the passionate belief that our voices needed to be heard, that women’s rights are human rights and that we will stand together and support each other.

Tennesse March

Cara & Megan LPJL repping @ Tennesse March

One of the things that is gorgeously American is our right to show up and say how we feel about something. It is our freedom protected by law and one of the tenants that makes The United States so great. I believe it is our moral responsibility to hold the government accountable and advocate for what we know is right. I believe it is a beautiful part of the human spirit to stand with others in solidarity, while recognizing our differences and being willing to hear (really hear) other people’s experiences. We are individuals. We are a community. We need to strengthen our community by better valuing individual's realities.

LPJL Leah C & Friends in DC

LPJL Leah C & Friends in DC

More people showed up than I think anyone was prepared for, and although some blowback has come about from the Women’s March I think more important than anything is that we now know our numbers and our potential to assemble. I was so delighted to be engulfed in a sea of people. I was surrounded by amazing signs (so creative) expressing people’s fears and hopes (and a lot of good jokes). I was proud of us. WE SHOW UP.

Love Us Some LPJL LA

It is just the beginning. We have a long road ahead. We need to listen to all the different voices in our communities that will make us stronger and more inclusive. But at the very heart of January 21st was the power of THE PEOPLE, being there, marching forward and being heard. We are patriots. We are gathering for freedom. We are America. We will not be silenced.